Schedule a Consultation Linda Christian481 Fitzgerald Street, North Perth,WA 6006 Australia+61 421 800 Name * First Name Last Name Email * My business is ... * Solo Skinpreneur - Sole Trader Skinpreneur + 1 Employee Skinpreneur + 2 or more Employees I'm interested in help with... * Skinpreneur Business Planning Solution Based Sales Training for Retail Rebooking and Upselling Training Team Management Team Training and Motivation Recruitment On-boarding Content Creation and Copy Writing Social Media Management HR & OHS issues and compliance needs New Start - how to set up your business Fresh Start - reevaluation of business Business Resurrection - restructuring Business for sale BookKeeping & Accountancy needs Additional Message (Optional) Just as we train your therapists and practitioners to conduct a full clear and concise diagnostic consultation on their clients to ensure rebookings, retail and upselling of treatments, we do the same with you and your business. This way we manage your expectations as well as compile a full breakdown of needs to be met that you are aware of and needs to be met that you may not be aware of. Thank you!