Setting boundaries and allowing all team members to reach their individual potential is often all we need to do. When a business is divided into senior and junior abilities it is imperative that you then divide the motivation accordingly.
For example you have 7 practitioners/therapists as your team members.
A -1 is your receptionist.
B - 2 are your longest standing employees who are able to perform all of your treatments and even have a couple of specialities only they can offer to your clients.
C - 2 are fully qualified with over 4 years of industry experience.
D - 2 are recently out of college with little or no industry experience.
Is it fair to say that the ability to meet targets and budgets would be even?
You decide that the best way to motivate is by a financial bonus. You work out the $ OR £ number you need to achieve daily and divide it by 7, after all it needs to be fair as you don’t want to make the original girls think they are doing all the work and the new ones not match your standards. You pop it up on the white board in the break room for all to see.
Maybe but in most cases I will say not and the following will occur.
The new girls, group D, will be completely overwhelmed by the enormity of learning all of the other onboarding tasks, such as the way you like the treatments to be performed and the products, ingredients and systems that they have never yet encountered and now they have the added pressure and need to meet a financial target.
Group C will try the best they can to learn more and show you they are trying to fit in.
Group B will have a deep need to show everyone they are the best and will often be sabotaging the moral of the others in their quest for staying on the top.
A your receptionist, will be more strategic in the bookings deciding who gets which client, as she also needs to be seen to be ensuring the clinic meets its target.
So in the end
A is not supporting C and D and is A totally over the attitude of everyone.
C is feeling like they are not good enough.
D is feeling like they will never fit in.
B is feeling like they do all the work.
Everyone either separately or collectively, stops trying and all of your positive thoughts of rewarding your teams efforts fade away into
“well we tried but it just doesn’t work with my team”
How sad for all, as you now have a rather fragmented group of people working, in a manner that is unrewarding, with a workplace that is lacking unity.
You decide that the best way to motivate is by a financial bonus. You work out the $ OR £ number you need to achieve daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly.
You have a team meeting and explain how this will work.
Let’s say you need $4000.00 a day, our target is going to be $5000.00.
If the clinic meets the target, the surplus funds are going to be used as the financial bonus.
We will then divide the targets accordingly.
Group B will need to achieve $1000 a day each = $2000.
Group C will need to achieve $750 a day each = $1500.
Group D will need to achieve $500 a day each = $1000.
A will need to help the others to achieve $500 as a stretch target so we meet the needed $5000.
Only if this is achieved by each team member would you then reward accordingly.
Group B to receive $75 each day they met target.
Group C to receive $50 each day they met target.
Group D to receive $25 each day they met target.
With A having a % of the overall amount should everyone meet target.
This way everyone will feel they are being rewarded, recognised and motivated according to their contribution.
Always make it clear that this is a sliding scale so should everyone meet the daily amount of $1000 they will be rewarded accordingly. This will often result in you needing to create stretch targets, (please feel free to contact us for help with this) as everyone will be more inclined to assist each other to grow.
Group B will start to feel comfortable in offering clients to group C and also mentoring group D to ensure they are offering treatments and advice that meets clinic standards.
Group C will start to feel confident in their place within the team as they are inclusive of group B.
Group D will relax and have a greater desire to apply themselves to learn as quickly as possible.
A will be more discerning in how she approaches each booking, endorsing all of the team as a collective rather than individuals.
You will be able to action and implement your desired motivational system and at your team meetings you can then compliment individual efforts and recognise the abilities that they all showed in achieving the clinic targets as a whole.
Happy boundary setting love Linda x